Ecological Water Filters
According to the Guatemalan Ministry of Health, the number one cause of general mortality in the country corresponds to infectious diseases caused by contaminated water sources. Fortunately, there are filters made out of clay, sawdust and colloidal silver which eliminate bacteria, bad odor and taste up to 100%. Each filter can hold 20 liters of water and can supply a family of 6 to 10 members.
Ecological Stoves
Through De Familia a Familia you can look after the respiratory health of a Guatemalan family as well as the Guatemalan forests!
Thanks to their metallic structure and a pumice stone chamber of combustion, the ecological stoves save firewood and transport smoke through a chimney, thus reducing the risk of respiratory diseases by exposure. The size of the stoves is 18.1” wide by 24” long and can be transported by two people.
Most Guatemalan families in the rural areas use wood as fuel to cook in open fires that let go most of the heat. Besides, this improvised fires produce a lot of smoke, releasing it in the immediate environment and according to the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), harms the respiratory system both of who is cooking and the ones around. Also, according to the Guatemalan National Forest Institute (INAB), the main cause of deforestation in the country is the cut down of trees for firewood. The Special Program for Alimentary Health of Mexico (PESA) affirms that the ecological stoves reduce the consumption of wood up to 50%, which makes this project an environmentally friendly one.
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